The Cosmic Watch App

The Cosmic Watch App


Cosmic Watch for Android
Cosmic Watch for iPhone and iPad

The 3D and interactive Cosmic Watch App is a playful tool to experience the interaction between the celestial bodies and our local time here on earth. It reconnects you to the rhythm of the Cosmos and It’s a realtime worldclock, a antikyra mechanism, a orrery, a armillary sphere, a time travel machine, astral-chart generator and a astrolab combined.

The Cosmic Watch remembers you that time is something absolutely beautiful, fascinating and magic. This reconnection or remembrance has a powerful impact on humans as we can confirm with our personal experience and many who have seen the Cosmic Watch so far. The experience of time on such a level leads sooner or later automatically to the important realization which is that every moment is unique in the entire universe and in the entire eternity and it’s this moment when you are in power to define your future. Once you have made this realization you will develop a natural motivation to upgrade your skill to experiencing the NOW. This will lead you to become more aware and sensible and in our opinion this is the most important thing for humanity to happen. The Cosmic Watch is a powerful tool to accelerate this process because it is a beautiful intuitive and highly visual inspiration with the daily conflict of time management.

Starting with the alarm clock in the morning everyday we consider our clocks several times. Each of this moments can become a conscious moment of reconnection or remembrance of the grand stellar ballet we are living in. Also Anniversaries and New Years are moments to become aware that we made one more round around the sun and travelled 940 mio Km in Space since the last time we celebrated.

It’s all about opening up or extending our consciousness with the most pragmatic and most simple simple approaches. Time is definitely a powerful door and the Cosmic Watch has the potential to help you open it up.

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