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Frequently Asked Questions / TROUBLESHOOTING

Here you can find answers to the most common questions about The Cosmic Watch. To fully understand the app please read the manual.

If you downloaded The Cosmic Watch but don’t succeed in starting it try uninstalling the app and installing it again.
ANDROID:To uninstall the App on Android go to Settings > Apps. Select The Cosmic Watch and tap on uninstall. You can also press the Apps button on the bottom of the home screen (icon with 9 dots), long press on The Cosmic Watch icon and move it to the uninstall icon on the top right corner. Go to the Play Store > Menu > My Apps and download it again.
iOS:To uninstall on iOS just tap-and-hold on The Cosmic Watch icon on the home screen. After a couple seconds, all your icons will start to do a wiggle dance, and the app icons will have an (X) icon in the upper left. Tapping that (X) icon will delete the app. You can download it from the App Store without paying again.

The Cosmic Watch uses the internal system time of your device. If you see an incorrect time and date displayed please correct the time and date settings of your device.
Also check on the time control that you are in NOW.

There are 23,000 cities in The Cosmic Watch database including cities with more than 15,000 population or capitals. If you find an important location which you think should be included in the database please send us an email

System notifications are calculated for the next 7 days when you open the app. After that period you have to open the app again for it to calculate the next daily events for your location.

System notifications are calculated for the location that is saved in the first slot in your favorites (star). If your actual location isn’t the first in the list move it up by tapping on the upward triangle.

In the Earth view The Cosmic Watch shows the Moon phase (illumination as seen from Earth) and not the real illumination of the Moon. Seen from space, the Moon and the Earth are equally illuminated, as both bodies are lit by the same light source, the Sun. In the sky view you see the Moon illuminated correctly.

The Cosmic Watch uses the Astronomical Algorithms of Jean Meeus to calculate the positions of the celestial objects. These algorithms have an astonishing precision and should be accurate enough for the next hundred years. We have observed an accuracy of about 1 minute in the astronomical calculations.
However, to save computation time, some concessions were made in astronomical accuracy by using simplified models. If you want to simulate the historical sky of many centuries in the past we recommend using other tools, e.g. Stellarium.

See: using the Cosmic Watch as a desktop clock

Swipe from the right of the screen to show the overview button, a small square icon at the top right (on Samsung phones, it's a physical button in the appearance of two overlapping rectangles). Tap this button and the Recent Apps menu appears (a screen which showcases every app that you have currently running in the background). Swipe away The Cosmic Watch App to close it.
1. On an iPhone X or later or an iPad with iOS 12, from the Home screen, swipe up from the bottom of the screen and pause slightly in the middle of the screen. On an iPhone 8 or earlier, double-click the Home button to show your most recently used apps.
2. Swipe up the app's preview to close the app.
Note from Apple: When your recently used apps appear, the apps aren’t open, they're in standby to help you navigate and multitask. You should force an app to close only if it’s unresponsive.